Welcome to Lone Star Outdoor News!
Thanks for being a valued member of the CCA-STAR Tournament. We are giving back by providing you with our twice-monthly newsletter, plus online copies of each issue of Lone Star Outdoor News, free of charge, a $19.95 value.
We’ve been covering Texas fishing, in both salt and fresh water, for 20 years, including CCA’s conservation efforts and the CCA STAR tournament. Our newsroom dog, Dakota, came from the CCA Dallas banquet almost 9 years ago. As regulars to the coast, we’ve yet to catch a tagged redfish, but not for a lack of trying. We also cover hunting all across the state, and know that most of you also pursue dove, ducks, turkey and/or white-tailed deer.
All you need to do is enter your email address below to receive every newsletter from Lone Star Outdoor News for free. Each E-newsletter contains a quick link to the current print issue of Lone Star Outdoor News. We will not use your email for any other purposes. You can unsubscribe easily anytime, but we don’t expect you will want to miss out on all the great news and information LSON has to offer.
Thanks for supporting the CCA – Texas Star Tournament and Lone Star Outdoor News.
The Lone Star Outdoor News E-Newsletter is emailed twice a month in between our newspaper print issues to provide current news and information about hunting and fishing in Texas. Sign up here to stay up to date on news from around the state.

About Lone Star Outdoor News
Lone Star Outdoor News is Texas’ most read and largest hunting and fishing newspaper for over 20 years. It covers all things bass and buck, redfish and fowl, in the best place to be outdoors in the United States.
Through the twice-a-month print edition and constant online coverage, readers find the latest news and insight into what it means to hunt and fish in Texas. The staff strives for high standards of journalism and seeks to serve readers through keeping tabs on what’s happening around the state.
The paper’s diverse readership allows its coverage to vary, giving readers a mix of content. Readers pursue a wide array of fish and animals, which gives the paper a wide beat to cover.
The LSON staff comes from a varied background, too, just like their readers. The full-time staffers fish and hunt, and grew up fishing and hunting in Texas and throughout the country. And they still do, often using weekends and downtime during the paper’s print cycle to spend time outdoors.
Regular contributors spend more time fishing and hunting than they do putting pen to paper. They are outdoorsmen with strong journalism skills, a great fit for Lone Star Outdoor News’ style.