Home Texas Hunting Does Before Bros

Does Before Bros

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For the second year, women gathered at the HB Ranch, near Jacksboro, for their weekend hunting trip with one thing on their mind — Does Before Bros.

From orchestrating shooting schools to directing hunts at the HB Ranch, Kelsey Rae Slusser is a woman of many talents and successes. She created the annual event be cause she believes it is important to encourage women to gain the full experience of the outdoors.

“There are so many women stepping forward in this industry to promote conservation, and I wanted to be one of them,” Slusser said. “My goal with this is to bring women with similar interests and different backgrounds in this industry together so we can each learn from one an other.”

HB hunting products manufactures AR 500 half-inch steel targets and Slusser said these women obliterated the middle orange circle on the very first night.

“All five of the girls aimed perfectly on their shots and by the end of the weekend, every single one of them tagged out,” Slusser said.

“There was not one deer that we had to track.”

One of the hunters, Nicole Skorich, described this week end as everything she needed as she spent time with nature, self-reflected and successfully provided for her family.

“We hunted, re laxed, laughed, learned, shot at the long range, told stories — and laughed a whole lot more,” she said. “We cheered and encouraged each other to be our best selves.”

Slusser provided each hunter a goodie basket and a “Does Before Bros” T-shirt. She said anyone can participate in this event, but there is one rule — you must wear an ugly Christ mas sweater.

“Kelsey helped everyone feel comfort able and did not mind my many questions about pretty much everything,” Skorich said. “I got to spend time with friends and make new ones who enjoy being outside like me.”

Hunter Saraphine Donovan said they alternated between sitting in blinds and the food they ate was freshly made game from the property, with vegetables from their garden. HB Ranch provided hunters with rifles and ammo as well.

“It was a great experience to shoot some rifles none of us had ever shot before,” Dovovan said. “The major success of the weekend truly though was the people.”

The amount of people who visit the ranch year-round and experience pure joy from just being outside motivates Slusser to keep doing what she is doing.

“I have had both men and women come to me who have never shot before who are eager to try it for the first time,” Slusser said, “I think it is such a beautiful thing be cause it opens up this whole new gateway of opportunities and adventure.”

Skorich said her favorite quote is, “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished,” by Lao Tzu.

“I have achieved goals I did not think were possible and going outside has helped me do that,” Skorich said. “You do not have to be an avid hiker or hunter to enjoy it, just get out there and find your happiness.”

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