Everyone could use a good shad bait.
Storm’s new bait produces a deliberate, steady cadence on the swim with a stable rolling action at all speeds. Loaded with a high-frequency, multi-ball rattle system, Smash Shads call in active fish, providing anglers with an added punch for long casts.
The bait, which have external scales and holographic 3D eyes, is available in 22 enticing colors, including six UV bright finishes.
Featuring black nickel treble hooks, Smash Shads are available in three sizes: size 05 is two inches long, weighs 3/16 of an ounce, and runs 4 to 8 feet deep; size 06 is 2 1/2 inches long, weighs 1/4 of an ounce and runs 5 to 10 feet deep; and size 07 is 2 3/4 inches long, weighs 3/8 ounce, and runs 6 to 12 feet deep. The lure sells for under $6
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