Edited by Craig Nyhus
Photo by Brian Holden
Three or four major storms over the past few weeks have hampered hunters and fishermen alike. In Callahan County, feeders were underwater and Stan Chism’s hunting blind was recovered after it floated to a nearby creek.
The Redfish Lodge at Copano Bay was truly an island for a brief period, but the guides and customers fished on. At Aransas Pass, Dean Thomas took his kayak to the grocery store and to get tacos.
At the nearby Port Bay Club in Rockport, the long pier will have to be raised and replaced.
The Boerne and Fredericksburg areas were hit, but the big floods of nearly a year ago were avoided. At the Bonn Ranch, Cade Bonn was homebound as the road out of the ranch was underneath six feet of water.
It’s hard for hunters and fishermen to complain about rain.

Dean Thomas and friend paddled to HEB in Aransas Pass. Photo by Dean Thomas, Slow Ride Guide Service, Facebook

Photo by Stan Chism, West Texas Feeder Supply

Photo by Stan Chism, West Texas Feeder Supply

Port Bay Club pier submerged in water. Photo by Alan Skrobarcek