Home Foundation Stories Holiday cheer and deer

Holiday cheer and deer

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What was supposed to be a “Wild Game Night” at the Dallas Beretta Gallery turned into something even more special for Michael Vitullo.

Vitullo works at the Beretta Gallery and was part of some of the events hosted by the Lone Star Outdoor News Foundation.

“I worked the Wild Game Night and a white-tailed deer hunt was purchased during the auction,” Vitullo said. “The gentlemen that purchased it decided he wanted to re-donate it back.”

Vitullo said he had actually bid on that item and the man, Don Weempe, said some words that would change his life.

“He said if I wanted to go, I was more than welcome to, and the foundation recognized that and granted his wish,” he said.
As an avid waterfowl hunter and even with hunting experiences worldwide, this would be the first buck Vitullo would harvest. The hunt took place at the 3 Amigos Ranch, in Graham.

“It was a one-day hunt and I did not get anything,” Vitullo said, “Fortunately, they were gracious enough to let me try one more time.”

The first day, Vitullo emphasized he shared this day with his father and was so grateful for the quality time he spent with him. The second day, his father did not go and the unthinkable happened.

“I woke up first thing in the morning and it was extremely dark,” he said. “When we arrived at the feeder at about 6:30, the deer we were wanting was already there.”

Vitullo and his guide, Frank Marino, waited in the brush for first light.

“The buck suddenly began to walk to ward us,” Vitullo said. “He left the herd of deer and when I took my shot, he didn’t go but 10 yards before he fell.”

Vitullo said he could not believe how successful the hunt went considering how they saw no signs of the buck the first time.

“I went on my first duck hunt with my dad when I was 6 and because of his crazy work schedule, the only time we truly got to spend together was when we were hunt ing,” he said. “He would take me to school late, and we would spend the early morning at the public wetlands.”
This was done throughout Vitullo’s elementary years, and he recalled it as some of his most fun times.

“The fact that the first day of this deer hunt was spent with my dad, I had just as much fun sitting with him in the deer stand than the day I harvested the buck,” he said. “It was never about the big game we took, it was actually more about being able to be out there with my dad.”
Regardless of where you come from or what you do, Vitullo believes hunting and the outdoors brings people closer in a way that other things cannot.

“For me, it brings me peace,” he said. “I will be honest, when I was successful with the deer hunt, it brought forth so many emotions … these are God’s creatures and I appreciate it.”

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