Home Hunting Products Beat pesky mosquitos this summer with Skeeter Hawk

Beat pesky mosquitos this summer with Skeeter Hawk

by Lili Keys

Repel ’em, Zap ’em, Bait ’em, Trap ’em

Story from Source Outdoor Group

Remember in grade school, the teacher would sometimes use a funny little rhyme to help the students remember a lesson?

How about when the students were trying to remember the spelling of certain words? “I before E except after C” was a memorable rule of thumb that the teacher promised wouldn’t steer the class wrong on the day of the big spelling test.

When it comes to the rules of how to keep away mosquitoes and other pesky insects, the folks at Skeeter Hawk have their little rhyme, and they promise it won’t steer any homeowners wrong either.

Just remember, “Repel ’em, Zap ’em, Bait ’em, Trap ’em!”

That describes all the different ways Skeeter Hawk’s complete mosquito and pest defense items will make sure no bugs cause a bother inside or outside, all while using safe, chemical-free pest solutions.

Let’s start with “Repel ‘em.” Skeeter Hawk has the only wearable repellent wristbands and carabiners utilizing a blend of essential oils that repel insects effectively. Their ingredients – geraniol, lemongrass oil, and citronella oil – have proven to be more effective than citronella alone at repelling mosquitoes and won’t leave you smelling like a chemical plant.

How about “Zap ‘em.” Skeeter Hawk’s versatile line of 360ª UV light zappers attracts moths, June bugs, mosquitoes and thousands of other flying pests. Once attracted, bugs are zapped by the electrical grid, eliminating swatting and smacking. Skeeter Hawk even has a rechargeable electric fly swatter for those times when the consumer has to deal with pests up close.

Then there’s “Bait ‘em.” A Skeeter Hawk mosquito bait station is just the thing to protect a backyard area, using UV light technology and natural solution to draw in pests. The all-natural solution they feed on kills them off before they can breed again, and it lasts for up to 30 days.

Finally, “Trap ‘em.” Skeeter Hawk’s Fly Traps effectively attract, trap and kill fruit flies, gnats, drain flies, house flies, horse flies, moths, June bugs, mosquitoes and thousands of other flying pests. The trap’s LED UV light attracts the insects, while the whisper-quiet fan sucks them in where they will dehydrate and quickly die in a matter of hours.

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