Archery deer season opens across the state today. But for some landowners on MLDP ranches, the firepower will be a little stronger.
Ranches with Level 2 and 3 Managed Land Deer Permits coincide with the beginning of archery season, and allow landowners to use rifles.
Participation in the MLDP program requires a written Wildlife Management Plan approved by a Texas Parks and Wildlife Department biologist or technician.
There are three levels of MLDPs (Level 1, 2, and 3). Higher levels offer additional harvest flexibility to the landowner, but also have more stringent requirements.
Level 1 MLDP Benefits:
Completion of the hunting license log and use of a hunting license tag are not required on antlerless deer harvested under the authority of this permit; therefore, county and statewide antlerless bag limits do not apply to individual hunters. Since bucks are not included under Level 1, all bucks harvested on the property must be tagged with an appropriate hunting license tag and recorded on the hunting license log.
Allows the harvest of antlerless deer as outlined in the WMP during any open season in the county, subject to applicable season legal means and methods.
Level 2 MLDP Benefits:
Completion of the hunting license log and use of a hunting license tag are not required on a deer harvested under the authority of this permit; therefore, county and statewide bag limits (including special antler restrictions) do not apply to individual hunters.
Allows harvest of antlerless deer with any lawful means, including modern firearms,
from Sept. 29 through Feb. 28, 2013.
Sept. 29, 2012 through Nov. 2, 2012: Spike bucks may be taken with any lawful means, including modern firearms. Any other buck deer may be taken with lawful archery equipment.
Nov. 3, 2012 through Feb. 28, 2013: Any buck deer may be taken by any lawful means.
Early youth-only season Oct. 27 through Oct. 28: A youth hunter may take a deer by any lawful means, including modern firearm. Once permits have been issued, archery stamp requirements do not apply.
Level 3 MLDP Benefits:
Completion of the hunting license log and use of a hunting license tag are not required on deer harvested under the authority of this permit; therefore, county and statewide bag limits do not apply to individual hunters.
Allows harvest of antlerless and any buck deer with any lawful means from Sept. 29, 2012 through Feb. 28, 2013.
Once permits have been issued, archery stamp requirements do not apply.
It’s time — archery and MLDP seasons begin today
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