Home Texas Fishing Tying the knot

Tying the knot

by Lili Keys

Couple weds on Brazilian fishing trip

By Craig Nyhus, Lone Star Outdoor News

Texan Sarah Varden and Troy Fieseler had quite the destination wedding. They traveled to Brazil with each of their parents, and a total of 23 family members and friends to combine the wedding with a fishing trip for peacock bass.

The couple met three years ago while on a fishing trip with Capt. Peacock Yachts & Expeditions. Sarah went with her father and Troy with his parents and brother.

“I had met him briefly at a Dallas Safari Club convention, but we didn’t stay in touch until after the fishing trip,” Sarah said.

The avid hunting and fishing couple left for their South American adventure and returned to Capt. Peacock, where they were wed on Jan. 30.

Image: Capt. Peacock

“It was the first wedding on the new Rio Negro Queen,” said Leonardo Leao, Capt. Peacock’s president, whose daughter, Faveliza Praciano, handled all of the wedding planning.

The new yacht has the size and amenities to hold a destination wedding, without forgetting about the fishing.

 “We caught about 200 fish total,” Sarah said. “My largest was 15 pounds, Troy’s largest was 13 pounds, and Troy’s dad, Terry, beat us all with a 21-pounder.”

The couple will settle in Wyoming upon their return, where Troy is a habitat biologist with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.

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